CropEye is projectmanager voor de SoilCares Scanner; de ontwikkeling, validatie, specificaties etc. worden in teamverband aangepakt. De scanner, gebaseerd op NIRtechnologie + ECsensor, werkt alleen in combinatie met een app op de smartphone. De sensor communiceert via een bluetooth connectie met de app, terwijl na de meting de smartphone de data opstuurt naar een database, en deze retourneert in de vorm van een uitslagenrapport en een advies. De eerste applicatie is het bemeten van de bodem, applicatie veevoerkwaliteit zal de volgende zijn.

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Oil management for optimum yield
Global agriculture is facing a major problem. Population is increasing and farmers are struggling to cater with the resulting growing food demand. Arable land is decreasing and limited soil management prevent farmers from an optimum yield. SoilCares enables farmers to make better use of their land using innovative and affordable methods to measure soil parameters and providing farmers with fertilizer and crop recommendations. SoilCares supports individual farmers, as well as cooperatives and agricultural entrepreneurs, enabling them to improve their production and lower their costs and time loss.

Empowering our clients
We want to empower our clients to take good care of their soils and enhance their production by providing them with affordable sensing and detection means for soil fertility analysis and recommendations so they take informed decisions.

Your own laboratory
SoilCares has developed a compact laboratory that will be installed on your farm or in the boot of your car so it is always at reach of hand.
This laboratory uses an MIR sensor and XRF techniques; enabling you and your employees to perform your soil tests without any laboratory experience, after a short training. The test results are analyzed and compared to a unique significant database, that is developed and permanently updated by SoilCare’s research team. The farmers therefore obtain information that is as accurate as if it had been the result of traditional wet chemistry soil analysis techniques.
We have already initiated a few projects around the world.|

Handheld scanner
SoilCares has also recently developed a handheld scanner that enables farmers to measure the basic nutrients held in their soil, real-time. Our first version, may not be as accurate as the mobile lab, this device nonetheless has its advantages. As the scanner works on the spot in the fields, it can be a useful tool for quick basic soil testing but also a valuable aggregate to the mobile laboratory.

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